In the vast landscape of cinematic offerings, “Ghosted” emerges as a curious enigma, promising a blend of action, comedy, and romance, yet ultimately leaving audiences with a sense of unfulfilled potential. Directed by Dexter Fletcher, whose previous credits include celebrated biopics like “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Rocketman,” and featuring the magnetic pairing of Ana de Armas and Chris Evans, the film ventures into the realm of espionage with the hope of captivating audiences with its charm and wit. Let’s explore with us!
At its core, “Ghosted” is a fish-out-of-water tale that follows the unexpected alliance between farmer Cole Turner (portrayed by Evans) and CIA operative Sadie Rhodes (brought to life by de Armas). Their encounter, sparked by a chance meeting over a cactus, propels them into a high-stakes adventure involving bio-weapons and international intrigue. However, despite its promising premise, the film struggles to find its footing, weighed down by a formulaic plot and lackluster execution.
One of the film’s most glaring shortcomings lies in its failure to capitalize on the chemistry between its leads. While de Armas and Evans have demonstrated their ability to command the screen individually, their dynamic falls flat in “Ghosted.” Unlike their captivating portrayal in “Knives Out,” where their on-screen tension crackled with energy, here, their interactions feel forced and devoid of the genuine spark needed to sell their burgeoning romance. The banter between Cole and Sadie, intended to be flirtatious and witty, instead comes across as contrived and uninspired, robbing the film of the emotional depth needed to truly resonate with audiences.
Compounding the issue are the film’s action sequences, which, while competently staged, lack the innovation and excitement necessary to leave a lasting impression. From car chases to shootouts, each set piece feels like a tired imitation of scenes seen countless times before in the likes of the Mission: Impossible and James Bond franchises. Despite Fletcher’s reputation for his operatic filming style, “Ghosted” fails to deliver the exhilarating thrills and suspense that one would expect from a high-octane action-comedy.
Furthermore, the film’s supporting cast, including Adrien Brody as the antagonist Leveque, fails to leave a significant impact. Brody’s portrayal feels uninspired and forgettable, lacking the menacing presence needed to elevate the film’s stakes. Even the inclusion of cameo appearances, often a highlight in similar genre offerings, fails to inject much-needed vitality into the narrative, leaving audiences longing for the magic of Evans’ previous collaborations.
Yet, amidst the film’s myriad shortcomings, there are fleeting moments of amusement and levity. A mid-plot carousel of cameos brings some amusement, offering brief respite from the film’s otherwise lackluster proceedings. However, these moments are few and far between, serving as mere distractions rather than genuine highlights.
In the end, “Ghosted” serves as a cautionary tale—a reminder that even the most promising premises can falter without the right execution. While the film boasts an impressive pedigree both behind and in front of the camera, its inability to transcend the confines of its uninspired script and lackluster characterizations ultimately relegates it to the realm of forgettable mediocrity.
As audiences navigate the vast landscape of cinematic offerings, “Ghosted” stands as a reminder of the importance of genuine chemistry, innovative storytelling, and compelling characters in capturing the hearts and minds of viewers. While it may haunt the memories of those who dare to venture into its world, it ultimately fails to leave a lasting impression—a ghost of its own making, destined to fade into obscurity.